Monitoring Surveys

Accurately monitoring movement

Monitoring surveys see if or how a structure or building has moved over time.

What is a Monitoring Survey?

We use various techniques to monitor specific locations at regular intervals. Intervals range from daily, weekly, monthly or yearly, depending on the nature of the project.

Monitoring surveys provide essential data for a construction project, identifying movement or deformation in a building or structure. These surveys can be undertaken at any time before or during construction and post-construction if there is a risk of movement or to monitor known movement.

Our role as monitoring surveyors is to inform the client swiftly of any movement, enabling remediation actions and protecting the client from health and safety concerns or catastrophic failure of the structure.

When do you need a Monitoring Survey?

A monitoring survey is needed when a structure has a risk of movement, helping detect the early signs of movements for the health and safety of the structure and the people around it. 

We understand launching a new construction project may disrupt nearby objects and other structures if heavy construction work, demolition, or tunneling is underway or when any old structure fails.

How does a Monitoring Surveys work with SDS?

Our four monitoring survey types include laser scanning, fixed position monitoring, tilt sensor monitoring and crack monitoring.

Laser scanning uses a laser to capture millions of points on a structure. A fixed position identifies fixed points, observing their movements over time, and a tilt sensor checks to see what degree a wall tilts in a particular direction.

Crack monitoring focuses on cracks in a building and observing how they change over time. Through initial inspection, we’ll advise which survey scheme is best suited to monitor the structure. 

A monitoring survey begins with regular visits to establish base readings. Further visits are undertaken at agreed intervals to assess if any movement has been carried out and alert the client if the trigger values have occurred.

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  • Surveying since 1988
  • Simple enquiry form
  • Experienced team

Get SDS in for a Monitoring Survey

At SDS, we’re a long-standing, dedicated surveying business, delivering our services to private and public sectors across Kent and beyond. We specialise in monitoring surveys, assisting lenders, owners, developers and investors to monitor structures or buildings at risk of movement.

Whether you’re launching a new construction project, undertaking heavy construction work or are concerned a structure is at risk of moving, we focus on delivering quality and reliable services using the latest surveying technology for your project. 

For more information about our surveying services or to book your monitoring survey, contact our team today.